BISKOM, Jakarta – From the beginning: “there are people who are ready to provide funds for Hoky to go to jail”.
Indictment: The defendant as the person who perpetrate, cause others to perpetrate, or take a direct part in the execution of the act. Though the defendant was never informed, never attended, and was not invited during the exhibition, but was arbitrarily detained for 43 days. (November, 24th 2016 – January, 5th 2017).
Interlocutory verdict of Bantul District Court Number: 288/Pid.Sus/2016/PN.Btl : NULL AND VOID
The prosecutor corrects the indictment & re-trial with a total of 35 trial sessions. At the trial March, 9th 2017 revealed one of the providers of funds is Suharto Juwono.
The prosecutor was unable to present Entin Kartini (the main witness) and Iwan Idris (the key witness).They were also unable to show the original license from Hidayat Tjokrodjojo & Henkyanto Tjokroadhiguno.

The prosecutor was unable to show the original photo of Musdalub Apkomindo DKI from Entin Kartini. Prosecutors demanded 6 years prison sentence and a Rp 4 billion fine or face an additional 6 months imprisonment.
The verdict of Bantul District Court Number: 03/Pid.Sus/2017/PN.Btl dated September, 25th 2017; WAS NOT FOUND GUILTY, recovering the right of defendant in abilities, position and prestige also his dignity.
The prosecutor file a cassation with demands 6 years prison sentence and a Rp 4 billion fine or face an additional 6 months imprisonment.
Constitutional law expert Prof. Mahfud MD took care of criminalization of the APKOMINDO Chairman.
“The judge’s free verdict was appropriate because the prosecutor was not able to prove his indictment, but if because of the free verdict the prosecutor also filed a cassation, I personally believe in the verdict of the Supreme Court will strengthen the verdict of Bantul District Court, because from the beginning it is believed by the panel of judges that the criminal act presumed by the prosecutor has no evidence,” said Prof. Mahfud MD, a former Constitutional Court (MK) chief justice who also support Soegiharto Santoso as APKOMINDO Chairman.

Separately, Member of the Prosecutorial Commission of The Republic of Indonesia Period II, Kamilov Sagala S.H., M.H., said; “This case has led to the personal criminalization of a person that is Ir. Soegiharto Santoso / Hoky and obviously have to oppress his family, then there is no other word for anyone in the earth must help and straighten it, in order to avoid lawlessness law enforcement in Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia. Freedom or death.”
Hoky is known quite close to the mass media and also member of Alumni Association of National Resilience Institute of Republic Indonesia (IKAL – Lemhannas RI). Now, Hoky is still waiting for the cassation verdict with case number 144 K/PID.SUS/2018. He believes this case will finish soon and the panel of judges in Supreme Court will strengthen the verdict of Bantul District Court. (Redaksi)
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