BISKOM, Karawang – PT ZTT Cable Indonesia (“Company”) welcoming the presence of Onno W Purbo as Indonesia Information Technology Expert and Commissioner of PT Raihan Teknologi Utama to attended Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) processes. He was present with Dadang Setiawan, S.Kom (President Director of PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama), Ir. Soegiharto Santoso as Founder & Chairman of the Indonesian ICT Business Association (APTIKNAS) as well as Advisor to PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama and Andi Mulja Tanudiredja Directors of PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama on Thursday (06/10/2021).

This visit is to realize the program from PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama, called “IRADESA” and “SALMANET” which focuses on providing internet signals using an Internet Service Provider (ISP) based in Tegal Regency, Central Java. Vision and mission of this program is to provide solutions for digitalization which are still limited for rural communities. Company are confident and interested in this program created by PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama and thus hope Company’s products can fully support the program realization.

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Visiting agenda began with Fiber Optic Factory visit. In this procession, Production Manager as Company representative give a brief introduction of company technology in Fiber Optic production process started from the raw materials smelting, product testing process until final cable rolling process which is ready to use. Before entering the site, visitors are required to use the complete standard of PPE provided by Company. “I just knew that there are only 2 Fiber Optic factories operating in Indonesia and one of them is ZTT Indonesia”, said Onno W Purbo.

After leaving the Fiber Optic factory, the group was directed to Fiber Optic Cable factory. The agenda here was to see the process of cable production process which starts from coloring, cabling until sheathing process. An explanation of cable testing before and after sales also explained by a Company representative so that the cooperation between Company and PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama can starts effectively.

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Soegiharto Santoso, as Chairman of APTIKNAS said, “We are lucky, happy and proud to be given the opportunity to visit the Fiber Optic factory of PT ZTT Cable Indonesia, where we were shown the entire Fiber Optic production process starting from the raw materials smelting, the product testing process, to the final stage until it is ready for us to use, I as the Chairman of APTIKNAS strongly support PT Raihan Teknologi Pratama to use Fiber Optic production from PT ZTT Cable Indonesia which will later be used in Tegal Regency and can then be duplicated in various regions in Indonesia, by working together with friends from the APTIKNAS management who are currently in 29 APTIKNAS DPD from Aceh to Papua.” said Soegiharto.

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This visiting event was also reviewed directly by Onno W Purbo in one of the video-based social media which can be accessed at: and .  Onno who is also the Vice Chancellor of the South Tangerang Technical Institute, offers to further cooperation with Company such as scholarships for ZTT employees who want to continue their studies, as well as working practices for South Tangerang Technical Institute at Company which will be discussed in further meeting. (Redaksi)