Unleash your online charisma!

By Damy Heezen
Certified behavior analyst and professional in psychology of communication

Elevate your digital prowess with the Digital Transformation Captain’s exclusive training. Discover the art of captivating your online audience like a pro. Enhance your online shows and trainings with interactive, captivating, and structured techniques.

Become an irresistible online speaker, leaving a lasting impact through role play and psychology. Don’t miss out on this epic opportunity to ignite your online presence. Enroll now and conquer the virtual realm with confidence and charm!

12 July from 10.00 – 15.00

ONLINE VIA ZOOM, Biaya Rp. 299rb saja.

RSVP via link:

Baca :  Berdialog di Radio Suara Muslim, LaNyalla Disinggung Soal Puasa Daud